Together WE Build the RESISTANCE Rally
Friday, March 31st
12 PM
Robert Treat Hotel, Newark
Trump was dealt a huge loss last week in the battle to replace Obamacare, thanks to activists like YOU. And while we celebrate this victory, we must continue to organize against the Trump Agenda. That is why now, more than ever, we need to stand together and send a message to every single elected official….WE MUST RESIST!
Join CWA Local 1037 as we stand with New Jersey Working Families and partner organizations this Friday, March 31 at 12 PM for a WE Build the Resistance Rally with DNC Chair Tom Perez and DNC Deputy Chair Rep. Keith Ellison. The rally is being held at 12 PM at the Robert Treat Hotel, 50 Park Pl in Newark.
We cannot afford to sit down and silently accept the reversal of our values and rollback of our freedoms.