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Women’s March on Washington

womensmarchCWA Local 1037 is pleased to announce that we will be officially participating in the Women’s March on Washington on Saturday, January 21st, 2017. The time is now for labor to stand in solidarity with activists from across the country to call for protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families.

CWA Local 1037 will be providing buses from 30, Clinton St in Newark and 50 Labor Center Way in New Brunswick to Washington DC. We will depart New Jersey promptly at 6AM and will return no later than 9PM.

Due to the overwhelming response, the buses from Essex County and Middlesex County are currently full.

There may also be space available on buses coming from other CWA Locals. Use the links below to sign up directly with these locals. You must also notify Local 1037 by email to confirm your seat.

Leaving CWA Local 1039, 191 Central Ave, Newark – Click here to reserve your seat.
CWA Local 1033/1039, 321 West State St, Trenton – Click here to reserve your seat.
CWA Local 1038, Deptford Mall in Deptford – Email your name and cellphone number to Evangeline Banks.

The Women’s March on Washington will send a bold message to the new administration on their first day in office and to the world that women’s rights are human rights. We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.

Please note: Dress warmly, wear comfortable shoes, and make your own lunch arrangements.

For more information on the Women’s March on Washington, visit their website at