On June 12th, a sea of red t-shirts marched from the War Memorial building to the State House in Trenton to send a loud and clear message to the Governor that CWA is ready to fight for OUR pensions!
This is just the beginning! Over the next few weeks staff representatives and CWA shop stewards will be reaching out to you to engage you in the fight to save our pensions. It is critical that every one of us participates! This fight is too important to sit out – no one gets a pass!
We need to keep the pressure on Christie to “PUT THE MONEY IN!”
Here are some action materials with information about important upcoming events. Please download, print and sign up to participate in as many actions and events as possible:
Please also share this information with other members at your worksite. If you need copies or any other assistance, please call your Staff Rep at the Local, but MAKE SURE EVERYONE IS READY TO FIGHT FOR OUR PENSIONS AND THE RETIREMENT WE’VE ALL WORKED HARD TO ACHIEVE!
Also, if you’d like to review the presentation about the pension lawsuit, you can do so here.
If you were unable to make it to Trenton yesterday, it is VERY important that you contact your Staff Representative immediately.
The Local is here to support your efforts – please call or email us anytime if you have questions, concerns or need further information about the pension fight. As always, we thank you for your continued leadership at the worksite.
In Solidarity,
Ken McNamara