In 2010, Paulette McQueen, a CWA 1037 home child care provider and Shop Steward, missed ONE mortgage payment. The very next month Paulette attempted to hand deliver the missed payment and the current month’s payment. Wells Fargo refused to accept ANY money and the foreclosure mill began. By 2013, her home was up for a Sheriff’s sale. But this isn’t just Paulette’s home, it’s also where she works as a home child care provider…and where four generations of her family live, including her elderly mother Grandma Lavinia.
Just a few months ago Grandma Lavinia & Paulette were featured in news articles across the country as they stood alongside Irvington, NJ Mayor Wayne Smith who announced plans to achieve principal reductions on mortgages for struggling homeowners. Wells Fargo saw the news and immediately reached out to Grandma Lavinia & Paulette. They agreed to stop the Sheriff’s sale and promised to renegotiate a new mortgage that the family could afford.
Sadly, we know that Paulette isn’t the only CWA member fighting to save her home. If you are in a similar situation and need support, please reach out so we can get you in touch with our good friends at NJ Communities United. Through their anti-foreclosure work, NJ Communities United is providing free mortgage counseling for CWA members fighting to save their homes. You can reach us at or 973-623-1828.